Proper Joint Care Cardiovascular health Immunity Allergy

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  1. 1. 调整血压:
    饮用S100 牛乳能降低高血压患者的收缩压与舒张压(18)
  2. 2. 降胆固醇:
    Golay et al. (1990)推论每日摄取S100 牛乳,能改变肠道菌丛,进而降低血液中胆固醇的含量(19)
  3. 3. 抑制动脉粥状硬化生成:
    在降低胆固醇效果方面,S100牛乳与降胆固醇药物Mevacor®相似。然而,S100牛乳另外具有显著抗发炎的功效,因此抑制血管纤维斑块生成效果应来自于S100牛乳的天然抗发炎因子(AIF)所致(16, 17, 20)
Immune today, healthy everyday.

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The products mentioned here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.